Henry & Elaina

July 19, 2024


Love is like a train; sometimes it chugs along smoothly, the view is breathtaking, and you're served fancy snacks in the dining car. Other times, it feels like the tracks are being built right in front of you, you're stuck in the restroom *COUGH* Elaina *COUGH* , and you're wondering who let the zebus on board! But no matter the twists, turns, or unexpected farm animals, it's the ride you take together that makes it a journey worth every hilarious, baffling, and unforgettable moment. All aboard the wedding express CHOO CHOO!

Our relationship is like Prince Philip and Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, except if the magical kiss involved Ghost energy drinks instead of a smooch, and the thorns in our path were actually just gun parts I leave lying on the floor. Just like Prince Philip battled his way through the enchanted forest, I brave the chaotic lanes of HWY 41 and 75, only to find out theres been an accident and I have to wade through 3 hours of traffic. And while our story might lack a fire-breathing dragon... Well you already know Elaina so... – glass slippers optional.

Dating is also a lot like encountering the elusive skunk ape... It's a wild and mysterious adventure where you're sometimes left wondering if that peculiar smell is coming from the swamp, your fiance's high testosterone BO, or all that raw garlic he stores under his bed... Just like with the skunk ape, you learn to appreciate the uniqueness and embrace the occasional uncanny odors that come with the territory.

Death leads to a new love...

New to SWFL, Henry was lost driving around in a Lotus Esprit and stopped when he saw a lovely lady on the corner to ask directions. That lady was Elaina. His first question was to ask how her week was going. Her response? “My dog just died last night, so it hasn’t been great.” Henry was hooked. Only one part of this story is true. Can you guess which one?